Sunday, 28 April 2019

SQUINT (BHIANGA PUN) and Homeopathy

📝Eye Sight related Remedies

🎯Acts upon nervous system,causing various degrees of motor paralysis
🎯Paralysis of various  group of muscles about the eyes 
Chest ,larynx sphincters and Extremities
🎯Lack of muscular co ordination
🎯Muscles weakness
🎯Double vision
🎯Corrects blurring and discomfort in eyes even after accurately adjusted glasses 
🎯Vision blurred  smoky
Like cycla,phosphorus
Dim sighted
🎯Pupil dilated and 
Insensible to light
🎯Orbital neuralgia
With contraction and twitching of muscles
🎯One Pupil dilated ,the other contracted
Deep inflammation
🎯Albuminuric renitis
🎯Detached retina ,glaucoma and descemetitis
🎯Hysterical Amblopia
🎯In my clinical experience Gelsimium 30 is best potency for eye problem and I have results in this potency
📝Apis 30,200 is in my clinical experience

🎯Oedema  of skin and mucous membranes
🎯Red rosy hue,stinging pains,soreness ,intolerance of heat and slightest touch 
🎯Lid swollen ,red ,inflamed burn and sting
🎯In all of my practice I have good results of apis 30 in Squint cases of eyes and cure by apis Allhamdulilah
📝30 in practice
🎯Anaemic and chlorotuc Conditions
🎯Dim Vision worsen on walking ,With spots before eyes 
🎯Flickring  of various colors 
🎯Convergent Strabisum 
🎯See countless stars 
🎯Disturbunce of vision ,associated with gastric disturbances
🎯salty fast,Diarrhoea after cover desires for lemonade
Potentized DiPhtheritic Virus
📝Plz dont repeat this remedy too frequently 
🎯Catarrhal affections on respirations organs 
🎯Diphtheria laryngeal 
🎯Post Diptheritic paralysis 
🎯Malagnancy from the start
🎯The fluid are returned by nose or vomited
🎯Due to diphtheria and paralysis of muscles Squient can be occurs 
Related to this case we can use this remedy for eye problems
📝Great Remedy of homoeopathy to deal about  brain related functions 
🎯Disturbed the nervous system profoundly 
🎯Mania ( in covering genitals)
🎯Talk activ
🎯Affraid to being poisoned 
🎯Side affects of typhoid
🎯Muscular twitching 
🎯Spasmoduc affections
🎯Pupil dilated ,sparkling ,fixed
🎯Eyes open but does not pay attention 
🎯Spasmodic closing  of lid ,diplopia 
🎯Objects have colored borders
📝30,200,1m in my clinical Experience

📝6x,300,1m are in my clinical experiences
🎯Wounderful Remedy 
Anti Spasmodic Remedy 
🎯Cramping of muscles with radiating pains
🎯Neuralgia pains relieved by warmth
🎯Twitching of lids
🎯Eyes hot tired vision blurred ,colored lights before eyes
Calabar Bean
📝30 potency of physostigma is in my experience 
Its also very very important remedy for eyes ,its great remedy of homoeopathy
🎯It stimulates heart ,raises blood pressure 
🎯Induces a condition  of short sightedness 
🎯Spinal irritation 
Loss of motility with very sensitive vertebrae
🎯Muscular weakness
🎯Eserine is used locally to produce contraction of pupil
🎯Night blindness
Opposite ,Bothrops
🎯Contraction of pupils 
🎯Twitching of ocular muscles 
🎯Profuse lachrymation 
🎯Increasing Myopia
🎯Post diptheritic paralysis of eye and accommodation muscles 
🎯Spasm of ciliary muscle 
Water Hemlock 
🎯Great Remedy act on the nervous system
🎯Spasmoduc affections 
🎯When reading ,letters disappear 
🎯Pupil dilated 
🎯Insensible strabismus
🎯Objects recede,approach and seems double 
🎯Eyes stare 
🎯Effects of exposure to snow 
🎯Spasmodic affections of eyes 
🎯Strabismus ,periodic,spasmodic after fall or a blow 
Arnica ,nat sulph can be used

Thorn apple

🎯Main action on brain
🎯Absence of pain and muscular mobility especially of muscles of expression and locomotion 
🎯Suppressed secretions and excretions 
🎯Seem prominent ,staring aid open,
🎯Pupil dilated 
🎯Loss of vision ,complaiins that it is dark  and calls for light 
🎯Small objects look large 
🎯Parts of body seem enormously swollen 
🎯All objects look black
📝200 in my experience potency

Rue butterwort
In my clinical Experience
🎯Acts upon the periosteum and cartilages ,eyes and utrus
🎯Overstrain of ocular muscle 
🎯All body parts arenpainfull as if bruisedb
🎯Injured bruised bones
🎯Eye strains followed by headache 
🎯Eye ,hot ,red and painful from sewing or reading fine print 
🎯Disturbance of accommodation 
🎯Pressure deep in orbits 
🎯Tarsal cartilage feels bruises 
🎯Pressure over eyebrow 
Deadly Nightshade
In my clinical experience
🎯Act upon nervous system
🎯Furious excitement 
🎯Redness,hot ,shining
🎯Perverted special senses ,twitching ,convulsions and pain
🎯Thrombing deep in eyes on lying down
🎯Pupil dilated 
🎯Conjuctiva red ,dry burn,photophobia ,shooting in eyes 
🎯Occular illusions ,fiery appearance 
🎯Spasm of lids
🎯Semsations if eyes were half 
🎯Eyelids swollen
🎯 Cerebral depression 
🎯Tissues are worn out faster then they are repaired 
🎯Poisoning from suppressed  eruptions and discharges 
🎯Defective vitality 
🎯Impending brain paralysis 
🎯Spinal affections
🎯Itching in eyes ,soreness of lids and inner angles 
🎯Rolling of eyes 
🎯Blurring of one half of vision 
🎯Red and inflamed 
Great Homoeopathy
Great Treatment

Saturday, 27 April 2019

Cataract and Homeopathy

Cataract and Homeopathy
👁موتیا بند
👁سفید موتیا
👁آنکھ کے عدسہ کا دھندلا پن
👁An Opicity of crystalline lens or of its capsule which prevents the passagr of the rays of light and impairs or destory the light
👁Eyes clouding of the lense in the eyes that.causes blurred or misty vision is Cataract
👁Lense is a Part of the Eye which is very clear
👁It adjust the eyes focus and make the image clear it passes the light to the back of the eye and helps to form an image on the Retina
👁The lense is clear and makes clear images but the deposition of protein over the lense is known as Cataract
👁It interferes with formation of a a clear image and results in blurred or cloudy vision
👁It may occure in both eyes
👁It is more Common in
aged people gradually develops with eye
👁سفید موتیا موتیا بند آنکھ کے لینسز پر دھندلا پن ہی ہے
آنکھ کے لینس پر روشنی پڑتی جو پیچھے ریٹنا پر شبیہہ بنانے میں مدد کرتا مگر جب آنکھ کے عدسہ میں جب پروٹین کے ڈپازٹس آجاتے تو عدسہ اب شفاف نہیں رہتا اور روشنی سہی سے رهٹینا پر نہیں جا پاتی جسکی وجہ سے دھندلا پن سامنے آتا اور اسے سفید موتیا کہتے
👁Symptoms of Cataract
📍Misty Vision
📍Double Vision
📍Blurred vision
📍Cloudy lens
📍Difficulty in driving at night
📍Frequent cahnges of glasses
📍Dificulty in distinguishing between shades of color
📍Vision may be affected by small patches small dots and spots
👁Types of Cataracts are
👁Age Related
📍Nuclear cataract it affects the central zone of the lens
👁Congenital Cataract
Or Childhood cataract
👁Secondry Cataract
📍Due to medication taken for the diseases like Diabetes after surgery exposure to chemical
👁Traumatic Catract
📍As a result of injury
👁Radiation Cataract
📍As aresult of exposure to UV radiations
👁Senile Cataract
📍Excess of free redicals
📍Free radicals are such
Unstable molecules that are highly reactive they detroy the good cells of the body
👁Posterior Subcasular Cataracts
👁Causes of Cataract
📍Old age
📍Poor Diet
📍Family History
📍Downs Syndrome
📍Harmful Radiation
📍Nutrient Deficiences
📍Heavy Metal Poisoning
📍An Infection
📍Dysfunction of crystallins
📍Poor Digestion and absorption
📍Prolonged expure to sunlight
📍Poor development before the birth
📍Eye Surgery for other eye problems
✍If not treated properlly
can cause  Blindness
Homoeopathic Remedies for Cataract
👁Calcarea Fluorica6x
📍Tissues harden or thicken abnomaly
📍Tendency toward
Hard swollen lymph nodes
Joints pains
Fibrous growths
Bone spurs
📍Worse by
Weather changes
📍Improved by
👁Causticum 1m
📍Developing cataract
📍Had problems moving the eyes due to muscular problems
📍Feeling sand in eyes
📍Stiffness of muscles
📍Worse from
📍Improve by
📍Feel best in damp or rainy weather
📍Due to supresssion of
📍Sweat at Night
📍sweat at night
📍Swollen lymph nodes
📍Weak nail
📍Feeling dust
📍Eye strain
📍Little bright dots of colored light when eye are closed
📍Desires Cold
📍Green halo is seen around candle light
📍Printed letters appesr red red burning
👁CiN Mar 3x
Eye drops
👁Nat Mur
👁Zincum Sulph 1m
Single dose
✍اہم بات
👁آنکھ انسانی زندگی میں بہت اہمیت کی حامل ہے بہت بڑی خوبصورتی ہے کیوں کہ زندگی کے سارے رنگ ساری خوشیاں اسی کے دم سے ہیں خوبصورتی کے علاوہ یہ نعمت ہی ہے جسکی بدولت ہم ساری خوبصورتی دیکھ پاتے حساس حصہ ہے انسانی زندگی کا
اللّه پاک کی ہر نعمت کی طرح اس نعمت کی بھی قدر کیجئے کیوں کہ ان نعمتوں کا کوئی نعمل بدل نہیں
قدر کیجیے کھونے سے پہلے
👁دوا ایک وسیلہ شفا عطیہ اللّه پاک کا

Homeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
Contact # 0345-5542708